Middletown CT Recreation
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Rec Pass - At the Recreation Center Register View Cart

Rec Pass will allow individuals, (16+) to have access to certain activities and spaces in a self led manner. Although staff will be in the building to ensure safety, there will be no instruction. The Pass will be valid for the 12 week season. Participants also have the opportunity to drop-in (Middletown CT Recreation: Rec Pass - Daily Pass

Basketball: All hoops will be lowered and participants will have access to the gym to play basketball. If there are too many people, staff may enforce half court games to ensure everyone can play.

Circuit Training Room: Participants will have access to the Circuit Training Room to work out at their own pace. Staff will not be there to monitor technique or provide tips. 

Lap Swim: The amount of lanes available for the time slot will be indicated on the schedule (Rec Pass - Pool Schedule for Lap Swim Times). If necessary, lifeguard will require lap swimmers to double up and share a lane.

Pickleball: Pickleball nets will be set up in either the Gym or the Multipurpose Room. Net will be used to play games against others who show up at that time. General knowledge of the sport / rules is encouraged. If you are unfamiliar with the game or want to know more of the game we will still be offering an Intro to Pickleball. Register here ---> Middletown CT Recreation: Intro to Pickleball (myrec.com)

Ping Pong: Ping Pong tables will be set up in the Multi-Purpose Room for general use.

Winter Season 1/6-3/22
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Lap Swimming Lap Swimming Lap Swimming Lap Swimming Lap Swimming Lap Swimming
8:30-12:30pm   8:30-12:30pm   8:30-12:30pm  
5:30-7:30pm 5:30-7:30pm   5:30-7:30pm 5:30-7:30pm  
Pickleball Pickleball Pickleball Pickleball Pickleball Pickleball
10:00-12:30pm   10:00-12:30pm   10:00-12:30pm  
      5:30-8:30pm Half Gym    
Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball
6:30-8:45pm 6:30-8:45pm        
Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Pong
9:00-11:00am       9:00-11:00am  
Circuit Training Room Open Circuit Training Room Open Circuit Training Room Open Circuit Training Room Open Circuit Training Room Open Circuit Training Room Open
8:30-12:30pm   8:30-2:30pm   8:30-11:30pm 12:30-2:30pm  
6:30-8:30pm 6:30-8:30pm 6:30-8:30pm 6:30-8:30pm 6:30-8:30pm  

Register Membership Ages Grades Fees
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Winter Season - Rec Pass  16y and up N/A $60.00 Res, $90.00 Non-Res

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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