Middletown CT Recreation
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Participation Policy

Participation Policy 

Please review our “Participation Policy” so you are familiar with our program’s expectations prior to arrival.
Be advised that any participant that does not comply with these policies may be removed from the program, and potentially our Recreation Facility.

In order to ensure the safety of our participants and to provide the most rewarding and enjoyable recreation experience we can, we must insist on a standard of behavior that includes the following:
  • Participants must respect staff, other participants, the facility, the grounds and equipment at all times.
  • Participants must practice fair play, honesty, and good sportsmanship.
  • Participants must be able to cooperate in a large group setting.
  • Participants must follow instructions and rules.
  • Participants must be aware of obvious dangers.
  • Participants must be able to interact positively with fellow participants and staff.
  • Participants must be able to use the bathroom independently, when guardian is not present for program.
  • Participants must stay with their group and listen to the staff members. 
The following will not be allowed and will be grounds for dismissal from recreation programs:
  • Inappropriate, disrespectful, uncooperative or disruptive behavior
  • Abusive language and inappropriate gestures
  • Injuring another participant, staff or person through an inappropriate action
  • Fighting or putting your hands on any other person in a harmful or inappropriate way
  • Biting, spitting on others, equipment or property
  • Stealing or misuse of property
  • Bringing cigarettes (under 21), alcohol, vaping devices, drugs, firearms, knives, or weapons of any sort to a recreation program
  • Any other behavior that the City of Middletown deems disruptive to its programs or compromises the safety of others
Parents/guardians and participants will be held responsible for participants’ actions at recreation programs. Part of the recreation experience involves activities and interactions that may be new to participants and that they come with certain risks. 
In case of inclement weather cancellations, Recreation isn’t required to make up classes. classes. However, if a class with an instructor is available to teach a makeup class and space is available, we will make every effort on instructor based classes.