Middletown CT Recreation
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Youth Policy

Middletown Recreation Youth Policy


Participants 16 and over, may purchase a Rec Pass.

Participants age 12 and over, may be in the building for programs, independently. Must be preregistered.

Participants under 12, must have a parent/adult or guardian with them at all times.
This excludes the after school program for middle school students. Must be preregistered.

Participants 6 or older must use gender appropriate locker rooms.

There are family changing rooms for your convenience and a gender neutral bathroom.

Must be preregistered to use Circuit Training Room.

Programs will be vary and there will be programs to safely support youth in strength training.
Youth After School is for participants in grades 6 – 8.

Must be preregistered. Youth participants must check-in with program staff upon arrival.


Participants, 5 years and under, must be accompanied into the water by an adult (18 years or older) who is within arm’s reach.          This includes their swim instructor. The program will indicate when a parent needs to be in the water.

Participants, 6 – 11 years old, who have passed a swim test must be accompanied by an adult (18 years or older) who remains with them in the pool area/Natatorium.

Participants who are 12 and over who have passed a swim test are allowed into the pool and pool area without an adult. must be accompanied into the water by an adult (18 years or older) who is within arm’s reach. This includes their swim instructor.

Swim tests consist of swimming one length of the pool (25 yards), treading water for 30 seconds, and a 10 second back float, without assistance and without touching the sides or bottom of pool.

Coast-guard approved life jackets and life vests are permitted in the pool. Any participant wearing a life jacket or life vest must be accompanied into the water by an adult (18 years or older) and must be within arm’s reach.
No noodles, inflatables, swimmies or water wings are allowed. Please refer to posted pool rules.

Participants who are not yet toilet trained must wear appropriate swim diapers, no exceptions.

Participants 6 years of age or older must use gender appropriate locker rooms.
There are family changing rooms for your convenience.